
If you want to find out other information than the list of publication titles, such as citations, journal reviews, etc., you can check out my Google Scholar and ORCID. You can also find a list of my publications in bibtex format here.

Journal Papers

  1. The state-of-the-art in cardiac mri reconstruction: Results of the CMRxRecon challenge in MICCAI 2023
    J Lyu, C Qin, ... K Yan, ... C Wang.
    Medical Image Analysis (2025)
  2. A feature-based convolutional neural network for reconstruction of interventioanl MRI.
    B Zufiria, S Qiu, K Yan, R Zhao, R Wang, H She, C Zhang, B Sun, P Herman, YP Du, Y Feng.
    NMR in Biomedicine (2022)

Conference Papers

  1. C3-Net: Complex-Valued Cascading Cross-Domain Convolutional Neural Network for Reconstruction Undersampled CMR Images.
    Q Dou, K Yan, S Chen, Z Wang, X Feng, CH Meyer.
    STACOM (2023)


  1. Optimization of free-breathing spiral cardiac cine imaging at 3T with variable flip angle scheme and region-optimized virtual coils (ROVir). Oral
    K Yan, Q Dou, CH Meyer.
    ISMRM 2025. No. #4622.
  2. Multi-dimensional denoising of diffusion MRI using low-rank tensor dictionary learning.
    K Yan, Q Dou, CH Meyer.
    ISMRM 2024. No. #2433
  3. Accelerated parameter mapping in the k-p domain via nonconvex low-rank constraint.
    K Yan, CH Meyer.
    ISMRM 2023. No. #4646
  4. Applying advanced denoisers to enhance highly undersampled MRI reconstruction under Plug-and-play ADMM framework.
    K Yan, Z Wang, Q Dou, S Chen, CH Meyer.
    ISMRM 2022. No. #1163
  5. Simultaneous ADC mapping and water-fat separation with B0 correction using a rosette acquisition.
    K Yan, H She, YP Du.
    ISMRM 2022. No. #1041
  6. Dynamic Real-time MRI with Deep Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network and Non-Cartesian Fidelity. Oral
    Y Zhang, Z Wang, Q Chen, S Li, Z Ding, C Shen, X Chen, K Yan, C Zhang. X Zhou, YP Du, H She.
    ISMRM 2020. No. #0999
  7. A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based reconstruction of extremely undersampled neuro-interventional MRI.
    R Zhao, T Wang, K Yan, C Zhang, Z Liang, YP Du, D Li, B Sun, Y Feng.
    ISMRM 2020. No. #3626
  8. Dynamic 3D lung MRI using the stack-of-stars sequence with SI navigation.
    S Li, X Chen, K Yan, X Chen, X Gong, J Xu, Q Liu, Q Chen, H She, YP Du.
    ISMRM 2019. No. #4101
  9. Accelerate Parallel CEST Imaging with Dynamic Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network. Oral
    H She, Q Chen, S Li, K Yan, X Chen, X Chen, Y Feng, J Keupp, R Lenkinski, E Vinogradov, YP Du.
    ISMRM 2019. No. #0142
  10. A novel feature-based image reconstruction for neuro-interventional MRI.
    K Yan, B Zufiria, A Singer, X Chen, Z Yang, S Li, S Qiu, H She, B Sun, YP Du, Z Liang, Y Feng.
    ISMRM 2019. No. #2434


  1. Long Spiral Thermometry: A Report.
    SP Allen, S Chen, K Yan, CH Meyer.
    preprint DOI: